Core Values

Our success was founded on the Group’s three core values, namely, Truth, Fairness and Freedom. We strive for the Truth to sustain Fairness. With the Truth and Fairness as the foundation, Freedom of choices would not be abused. These values are mutually reinforcing and motivating. Based on the above philosophy, our staff can promptly formulate strategies to respond to the market needs. Such an open management model has greatly enhanced the work efficiency and boosted the pro-activeness and sense of belonging of the staff.

Our management believes that a safe working environment and cares family is important for every employee and we consider this as one of our core corporate values. We advocate the slogan "Safety First, Work-Life Balance“ ("鑽達安全齊注重 達致家庭樂和融"). We provide safety training, implement stringent safety measures during our operations and provide control and safety manuals to our employees.